Monday, February 8, 2010

Things too big to be assembled in tight spaces!

I appreciate that we are all trying to maximize our space and choose items that may fit in a cramped space but offer a huge storage solution or solve the problem of tight spaces such as wardrobes or platform beds. However, quite often the assembly step for these products is overlooked and the space does not offer adequate room to build these items. A great example is the Elga Wardrobe shown below. In all these solutions some extra thought has to be done in the planning phase to determine if you can build the product in the space provided? A tape measure is the #1 tool to employ to solve this problem.

Common products that fall into this category are:

KEA Mondal Bed Frame -

I understand why this is a desireable bed, but it has a length of 6' foot x 5' foot, however the three instances that I was presented to assemble this bed were for rooms that were 7' foot x 6'. The drawers need 2 feet on each side to slide out and you really need 3 feet to get the drawers in because they are just about half the width of the bed.

IKEA Elga Wardrobe -

These are choosen by individuals who have a fully furnished bed room and then need extra storage, however there is never any consideration of the space needed to assemble it on the floor. This presents a huge problem. The cabinets can not be moved from room to room and need to be assembled on the spot or at least within a few feet of where they are to go.

IKEA Pax Wardrobe -

Usually the 7' foot 5"inch units are choosen for ceilings that have 7' foot 8" inch ceilings (need to be assembled vertical instead of the better way of on the floor and lifted up.

IKEA Elga Wardrobe

The new IKEA Elga Wardrobe storage solution is a great choice for inexpensive and fast storage.

The two cabinet unit is fairly easy to assemble, but you need to be sure you have enough floor space to assemble it. The height is seven (7') feet and you will need 9' feet x 7' feet to comfortably manuver around and be able to build the unit.
The three door, three space unit requires the same 9' feet in length and an additional 11' feet to comfortably move about the unit to assemble it. If you dont have that space, dont bother with this unit, you will be nothing but dissapointed and frustrated in trying to build it! Better solutions would be an Aspelund, Aneboda, Engan, Edland, Eina, Hosle, Kullen or Mandal solution.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Things to know about IKEA and IKEA products!

There are some things that the novice should know about before going to IKEA.

(I will probably add to this as I recall different experinces at later dates so check back from time to time)

1. All IKEA stores are managed independently - what does that mean to you? Well the most important point is that if you make a purchase from one IKEA and you open a product and there is damage or parts missing you can only take it back to the IKEA warehouse it was purchased from for return or exchange. Competitive IKEA stores in a market don't want the return.

2. You must have a receipt for exchange or refund - This matters mostly for deliveries. If you receive and item mis-delivered to you through Urban Express on the east coast, more than likely that item is a gift to you since Urban may or may not come back to retrieve the item and IKEA will not take it back without a receipt. You might be able to call the individual whom it was to be delivered to through the info on the label, but this usually only shows an address and not a telephone number.

3. IKEA Pax Wardrobes really need One (1) person to build them! - Yes, it is true, if you know how to do it these require one person to build contrary to the assembly pamphlet included in the package of a Pax frame and the info on the IKEA website. The process they lay out and recommend to assemble often results in anchors tearing out, frames out of square and basically and assembly headache. Unless the ceiling height of the space is 5" inches or lower than the length of one of the frame side panels stood on its end, the best way to build these is on the floor into a box and then lifted into position. This guarantees the best possible assembly and the least amount of hassle.

Sorry for the delay, we have been busy!

Since December 24th (Christmas Eve) we have been busy, very busy with Elfa projects through our relationship with The Container Store and thier anual 30 % off sale. The Container Store has upped the antie by offering 30% off the installation as well. The sale ends on February 15th so the time is now to get in and get a great deal on some Elfa and an installation. We even remove up to two shelves and a rod, patch and paint the disturbed area from each wall that new Elfa shelving is to be installed. Stop into any one of the three Container Stores in the North Jersey, New York City area and work with a Container Store Designer Today!